Load Assurance Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the Load Assurance product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Allow for customization of columns in Batch Summary Report

Can we customize it a little bit so it could fit on the batch screen or let the batchman be able to hide or move columns they do not need to see? Right now the report doesn’t fit on the screen and you have to click on the middle of the screen to see the data on the right that the batchman really needs at his disposal. Maybe be able to hide some of the columns or move them right off the screen. Customer Code, Job #, Ticket #, Product Desc. Are all items that are jumbling up the left side of the screen they don’t need since they have our mix code, customer name, etc. already there.

  • Jeff Johnson
  • Mar 10 2022
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